Feel like writing now,since got nothing to do now~
Well, first of all I would like to tell you all that I'm officially NOT a single anymore.
^^ I found someone already hehehe...wanna see her pic? are you sure you wanna see her pic????
show you later,hhaha~
Gosh, its week 7 which means its the final week of study already! Waaa, time passes too fast...I first remember when I just came into Utar's Foundation Programme in January 2008, and now its already end of November 2008, don't you think time fly very very fast this year???
I'll be in degree next year January! So happy!!! lalalala~
So right after this week, it will be study week for a week then start finals. The dates of my paper are as following :
10/12/08 - Maths For Business And Social Science
15/12/08 - Social Psychology
18/12/08 - Principles Of Economics(resit).
But I'm kinda sad with the timetable set, you wanna know why? Because on the 15th and 16th December is my sister and dad's birthday! I guess I only get to celebrate with them when I go back on the weekend. What to do, have to sit for exam first. *Sigh*
Last week, what happen ar...?? Forgot la...wait wait,let me remember...hrmm...*thinking*...
Ah huh! I know!! Last week I got 2nd midterm paper for Maths, LOL...guess how much I got??? I also don't know because this week Wednesday only I get back the results!!! wakakakaka!!!!
For my coursework mark for Social Psychology is 33/40, something I'm not so happy about it because some of my friends get higher than me like 34 and 35 over 40...I was like..how can this be?! anyway, it's still above 30 right? Better be happy bout it Baron =).
Do you all know that KFC is promoting Melbourne Shuffle and even have a contest for it??? I din't know until I hover over the ad on Friendster. I was like HUH?! KFC?! Melbourne Shuffle?!?! What the HELL??!!!??!! ROFL~
Ok la, wanna go do some things, get back to you all tonight again ok?
- v0lt -