Friday, September 5, 2008

Ouh My GOD!!! I got like 5 hours more before my first paper start ( as I said in my previous post,exam starts today). Another 5 hours only and I still got time to blog awhile here! HAHA
Well the first paper is Writing For Business, something like English, but with more format and writing (you know from the name). I have to write one memo, and one letter, with around 150 words long and 150-200 words long for each of them. Sien la, I very lazy write wan you know? Its a Saturday and Its Sabbath Day today, the exam today make me cant attend church service you know? so sad...=(

This is not the only paper on Saturday, there is one more, Introduction to Sociology. But instead of afternoon paper, its a morning paper, even shit, harder to wake up lo like that. This means I gotta sleep freaking early on Friday night, zzzz....

Ok la, I wanna go bath and then study awhile then Maple Story.
p/s I just woke up eyes still blur blur like this -> -.@ LOL~

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Wow, can't believe it that tomorrow my Finals start man!
zzz I'm so screwed up, I mean I did study but I feel that not enough of preparation...thanks to the Maple Story, bloody hell got me addicted to it, zzz~

This whole week in Kampar, I noticed one thing, it keeps on RAINING....what the hell man, I wanna go and take my meal also cant! Have to order delivery, benci~
Play futsal also cannot, when almost the right time to play, VROOM rain...zzz so boring you know, I mean study got la, but you won't want to spend the whole day just STUDY only right? nonono no way (for me). well, what to do? Cannot scold nature ar...

After finals, woohoo~ Sem Break!! There's so many things for me to do, hehe...I got some PLANS~
yay baby~ Go LANGKAWI~~~
Gahh~ can't wait for finals to over~

And this whole week I did not even shuffle, I think tonight must shuffle, hehe release stress!

Ok,the rain is gone, time to go out for fresh air
peace out
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