Saturday, May 31, 2008

The 1st week in Kampar since sem break.

Wow,1st post after one week in Kampar,I plan to write it today so I can summarize everything haha
Well,the 1st week wasn't that bad,I got to know some new friends like Ash n Jeff/dickhead,dunno why they call him that. Ash the fella is real cool man...we just know each other less than a week but we're like real good friends,we even sing songs while walking to dinner and also sit outside the house playing guitar and singing some EMO songs. I will never let you fall,I'll stand with you forever,ok enough with that.

And then,went to class as usual,and because I'm the class rep,lecturers remembered my name already,so fast. @.@
And then,planned to watch Ironman yesterday,but there was a slight change of plan.So didn't went to Ipoh to watch =/

Ouh ya today,something happen...something anybody would not want it to ever around 1pm,my mum called.Guess what she said...your uncle just passed away this morning...I was like...what?! I'm so sad you know? I mean,the last time I saw him was his open house in his newly bought house,and now...he just died,no cause of sickness or whatsover...sigh...Im just too sad today

Today is also my mum's 46th birthday. Happy 46th Birthday mum! Love you forever! I know I always make you sad,but I'm really sorry...

well thats all I gotta say for now,I'm still sad over the death of my uncle. And for the FUCKER who wrote things bout me at the chatbox,go and get a lame comments,I ask all of you,WHO NEVER FAILED IN ANYTHING BEFORE IN LIFE? Even Albert Einstein do!
bloody bastard go get a life!

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